Hi every one me dinesh reddy, Web Content Manager. my job is focusing on advanced web services and security technology and their application, with an in-depth focus on standards and Microsoft interoperability...

  • Full Name : Mettu Dinesh Sankar Reddy
  • Nickname : Dinu, Dine, Guruji *
  • Education : Masters
  • Languages Known: I can read, write and communicate effectively in Telugu (Mother Tongue), Tamil, Hindi, English ::: I can communicate in Orria, a little Malayalam, Kannada :: But I Love Telugu
  • Hobbies: Walking, Reading, rock collecting, going online, Learning new this like Languages, sports, brainstorming, public speaking, and hanging with meeting new peoples their culture and tasting there food, Sharing others feelings etc.
  • Writing interests: I love to write. I write poetry, essays, prayers, short stories, I even write lists (like lists of things to write, to do, to see, to remember...).
  • Eventual hobby: I am saving money for adopt a child from a poor family.
  • Collections: Stamps, books, Friends letters-mails, and rocks (from everywhere!)
  • Interesting facts: I play a ton of practical jokes, and I'm single (ha ha), i love to laughing
  • Music: I love music, no language limits what ever my ears and heart responds to it i will learn that music, i love Tamil songs
  • Special accomplishments: A funny Philosopher
  • Career goals: Inspirational speaker, ambassador for peace, writer, and a good Lover, hubby, daddy.
  • What matters : "Praying and playing, and celebrating life every day in some way."
  • My motto: "In Life Go Straight and take Right.", I wanna Learn at least basics of most of the things
  • My philosophy: "Remember to play after every storm."
  • How I wants to be remembered: As a "Poet, Peacemaker, and Philosopher Who Played"